WhatsMapp v1.2.0 Apk

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Description:WhatsMapp' a WhatsApp MOD. which provides material design and some
other cool features with stock WhatsApp like speed and stability. 
- Last seen hide
- Blue tick hide
- Double tick hide
- Hide typing..
- Change Icon
- ActionBar color changing
- Navigationbar color changing (Lollipop Only)
- StatusBar color changing (Lollipop only)
- Fastest Moded whatsapp
- AntiBan code added
- Changing color of chat ballons
- Add a pattern lock on WhatsApp
Upcoming features:
- More Visual Modification
Please note:

>Variant 1:has Stock Emoji 
>Variant 2:has Google Emoji 

* Search in conversation bug fixed.
* Setting wallpaper to none bug fixed.
* A lot of icons fixed and resized.
* Added search FAB on 'Contacts' tab.
* Fixed contact info activity showing status weirdly.
* Replaced 'new chat' FAB with 'Status' fab.
* Materialized the layout of in-call activity.
* 'Call' button in Conversation screen moved to menu. (To avoid accidently calling.)
* Added an option to add a pattern lock on WhatsApp through ArchitMods.
* Removed 'Hide mods in menu' option from PsyMods because calls are official for everyone.
* Added hexcode option for chat balloon colors.
* Fixed green tinting on right chat balloon. Now you can set it white.
* New Mod to change background of 'Chats' tab. (Don't set it black to avoid conflict with black fonts.)
* Removed PsyMods from Settings.
* Profile pictures on Voice Notes are circle now. (Thanks to xxDamage) 
* Fixed Google Emojis and increased the quality of them and location, video, contact icons materialized. (Thanks to Niklas Schnettler)
* Chat input background bugs fixed. (Thanks to Rachit Sharma)
* Other small changes and fixes. 


-Thanks to Archit Jain for his mods.
-Thanks to Joaquin for inspiration.

Procedure to install for first Time:

1- Install stock whatsapp from playstore
2- Verify and chat at least one person.
3- Create backup of chat from Whatsapp settings.
4- Unistall stock whatsapp.
And install WhatsMapp.
5- Verify number and restore chats
6- You are ready to rock!

Download HereWhatsMapp v1.2.0 Apk
